« Le Sahaj marg agit à sa manière, discrètement » ?!
Le 3 novembre 1999, Babuji/Peyret disaient dans un whisper : « Pourquoi devrait-on se cacher ? »
Aujourd’hui, ils clament : « Le Sahaj Marg agit à sa manière, discrètement » (20 octobre 2015)
Discrètement, vraiment ?
Le programme de méditation Heartfulness mis en place par Patel est tout le contraire de la discrétion.
Le 31 octobre dernier, l’Institut Heartfulness (HI) publiait dans le Bulletin des abhyasis (N° 2015.118) un récapitulatif de la démarche Heartfulness (voir extraits ci-dessous) :
Non, décidément, Heartfulness est tout le contraire de la discrétion : “we are able to touch all sections of humanity”. Heartfulness, c’est une mise en mouvement du Sahaj marg, une vaste offensive prosélyte de la plus grande ampleur : “Heartfulness has a large Social Media presence”, sur Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn ou Instagram (voir le mur des réseaux sociaux, sur http://spiritualityfoundation.org/en-us/social). Sans oublier les webinars, séminaires de rencontres entre abhyasis sur le web…
Et ce n’est pas fini : “We hope to have TV and Podcast media available very soon.” puis “Radio City Wellness will be broadcasting two programs on their web radio channel called ‘Radio City Wellness’ from the 16th of November until the 25th of December 2015. The Heartfulness Relaxation technique at 7:00 a.m. (IST) every morning, and 'Shanti Sutra', in which a Heartfulness trainer will talk about a practical approach to the Sahaj Marg system (…)” in Bulletin No: 2015.121 – Thursday November 12, 2015.
Sahaj Connect, c’est une appli pour smartphone, mais c’est aussi U-Connect, C-Connect, G-Connect, V-Connect…
N’importe qui dès l’âge de 15 ans (YoungHearts.org), vous (U pour You ou youth) ou moi, les entreprises (Corporate) ou l’Etat (Government : armée, police et fonction publique), les Villages.
Aurons-nous droit demain à World-Connect ?
Vous voulez organiser une session X Y ou Z de Sahaj Connect. Pas de problème, l’intégralité du matériel nécessaire a été préparée par l’Institut Heartfulness et est disponible en self-service sur http://content.heartfulness.org. Vous y trouverez tout le matériel pédagogique dont vous rêvez, depuis un modèle de lettre d’invitation ou le scénario pédagogique de la journée jusqu’aux diaporamas adaptés à votre public cible.
Approche yoga pour les occidentaux et les urbains, Ressources humaines et formations au développement personnel ou au bien être dans les entreprises…
Parler " façon tout le monde", privilégier ce qui attire les gens, éviter les mots étrangers ou trop spécialisés… Choyer les nouveaux arrivants, les abreuver d’amour… “Creating an Inclusive Environment”
Tous les bénévoles sont les bienvenus pour participer, mais mieux vaut faire appel à des spécialistes.
“Experienced Public Speakers Needed (…), seeking professional and accomplished public speakers, professors and industry experts”
« Le sahaj Marg agit à sa manière, discrètement ». Pour vivre heureux, vivons cachés ? Rien n’est moins vrai aujourd’hui. La SRCM ne fait plus profil bas, cette période est finie.
Chari proscrivait les discussions d’abhyasis sur le web et les réseaux sociaux. Avec l’arrivée du Gourou 2.0 Patel, c’est une nouvelle ère qui s’ouvre pour le Sahaj marg. Dans l’ombre de Heartfulness, à la rigueur….
Mais la méditation heartfulness, elle, est en pleine lumière. C’est d’ailleurs sa seule justification. Comme le disent Babuji/Peyret, les temps changent…
Extraits du Bulletin N° 2015.118 (Saturday October 31, 2015) :
“(...) We all now understand the need to approach Sahaj Marg as a movement. It is needed for ourselves as well as for the Masters’ vision of a transformed humanity.
So, in this landscape where meditation has become a mainstream activity, devoid of its religious connotations, how do we differentiate ourselves? (...) We have to approach them scientifically and, most importantly, experientially. This is very important especially in the urban and western worlds.
(..) With 15-year-olds now allowed to meditate and villages opening up via V-Connect, we are able to touch all sections of humanity.
(...) Always follow the same steps of conducting meditation without transmission first, as this provides a scientific comparison with the later meditation with transmission, and thus an experiential introduction to Sahaj Marg practice and transmission.
(...) Heartfulness has a large Social Media presence, so you may draw the attention of participants and also add the following links to any printed handouts. [Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram]
(...) We have several tools and opportunities for connecting with people to share Heartfulness on two levels: local and global.
Locally: Online Meetup sites (...). The Welcome Desk is an important means to create a suitable atmosphere for newcomers in our ashrams and centers. We have found that connecting to organizations that have their own internal means of informing and inviting their members, such as yoga studios, churches or temples, is most conducive. We also offer yoga and other classes in our ashrams, especially in the West, to improve the usage of the ashram and interaction with the community. For corporate initiatives (C-Connect) we have a full range of programs from multi-session courses to introductory 50-minute workshops. We have had success from a grass roots perspective with abhyasis reaching out to their management or HR and Wellness teams.
Globally: The Heartfulness Institute (HI) is planning to have four occasions each year to interact with people cohesively on a global scale:
January 1 – New Year’s Day
April 30 – Will be celebrated as ‘One World, One Humanity’ Day
June 21 – UN International Yoga Day
September 21 – UN World Peace Day
(...) For seekers becoming more established in the practice, introduce them to the mobile apps such as Sahaj Connect and the Heartfulness Mobile App, to help them develop a regular practice. We hope to have TV and Podcast media available very soon.
Creating an Inclusive Environment: As newcomers and visitors attend group meditation and gatherings, we will become increasingly sensitive to the ways in which we interact and present ourselves during all gatherings (...). We may need to use inclusive language, minimizing foreign terms that are unnecessary while local translations are appropriate. (...) For each one of us, an overall attitude of care and commitment toward newcomers can do as much as any other outreach effort. Making a personal connection with someone new, so they feel welcome and noticed, may give people all the encouragement and sense of belonging they need in the beginning. At the same time, while helping and guiding newcomers, we need to develop great patience with them, allowing them to grow at the pace that’s right for them. Creating a welcoming atmosphere includes harmony in the center. (...)
We are looking for volunteers with a wide range of skills or aptitudes. (...) Teaching, Training, Social Media, Writers, (...) Graphic Design, Software, Information Technology (...)
Experienced Public Speakers Needed : HI is seeking professional and accomplished public speakers, professors and industry experts to participate in speaking engagements for C-Connect, U-Connect, the Omega Science and Spirituality Clubs, and others.(...).
Heartfulness Team”
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