(mise à jour du 24/07/2015)
Narendra Modi, premier ministre
nationaliste de l’Inde, a su imposer au monde une journée mondiale du yoga, cet
art ancestral identitaire de l’hindouisme pour atteindre l’unité du corps et de
l’esprit, un excellent outil de santé publique, une discipline qui aide à
rester en bonne santé et lutter contre le stress de la vie moderne. Parce qu’il
est devenu délire occidental, le yoga est maintenant un business globalisé dont
le nationalisme culturel coercitif du BJP s’empare pour redorer son blason.
Kamlesh Patel surfe sur cette
même vague avec HeartFulness meditation, sa nouvelle idée de prosélytisme au
profit de la SRCM, pour renouveler l’approche de Chari arrivée en fin de course.
Accrocher le chaland avec un produit épuré de tout signe distinctif et/ou
sectaire, toujours dans le seul objectif de mieux vendre le Sahaj marg :
Offrir "un produit sucré plutôt qu'une pilule amère", pour "introduire le Sahaj marg au grand public" dans une approche "simple et non invasive", selon leurs propres termes...
Quand Patel, la Mission et le Sahaj marg avancent cachés
Après Natural Path Meditation sur
MeetUp.com, après le relooking de la page d’accueil de Sahajmarg.org, voici
Heartfulness.org et HeartFulnessInstitute.org, un pas de plus vers une
présentation aseptisée du Sahaj marg et de la Shri ram chandra mission.
Comme le disait Michael à propos
de Natural path meditation, la SRCM a bien compris que les gens sont attirés
par la spiritualité mais que les gourous leur font peur.
Ici, aucune mention d’un maître
ou gourou, aucune mention du Sahaj marg et de la Shri ram chandra mission (sauf
le bas de page : Sahaj marg spirituality foundation Inc. à l’origine de ce
nouveau website et de la création de HeartFulness Institute).
Petit florilège :
a spiritual adventure
Learn to
Meditate with the help of yogic transmission
the beauty of the heart
Ici, tout est basé sur
l’esthétique : de belles photos évocatrices et quelques bons mots à la
calligraphie soignée. Un site épuré pour le plaisir de l’œil et des sens ! Tout
doit attirer, rien ne doit rebuter…
Des liens vers tous les réseaux
sociaux ! Et bien sûr, tout un tas de rendez-vous pour découvrir cette
"nouvelle" aventure spirituelle.
Kamlesh Patel a ouvert le champ
de compétences des précepteurs pour qu’ils puissent accueillir tous les
nouveaux venus. La SRCM a déployé ses filets et ses hameçons en espérant que la
pêche sera bonne…
Sthapati a dit : “(...) One very different change that is new to the Marg
is our opening up (for lack of better words). Prior to now, we’ve been
accessible and free to anyone who sought us – but generally only those who did
the seeking on their own. In Sahaj Marg, as with many Hindu traditions,
proselytizing is forbidden. And in Sahaj Marg, there have been times when
remaining obscure even seemed to be encouraged so that purely and surely only
those who really are seekers found our method of Raja Yoga. (...) But for Sahaj
Marg that might be changing in some way currently. There’s a new “initiative”
called Heartfulness that has me very excited about what the future of Sahaj
Marg might look like.
(...) we
discussed how challenging it can be for Westerners to take to foreign concepts
– in this case, Indian / Hindu concepts and vocabulary (...) and that most
people in the West have no idea really what words like dharma, karma,
meditation, and yoga ( to name only a few ) actually mean.(...)
So now
we have this “Heartfulness” stuff. And, for lack of knowing the best way to say
it, Heartfulness is Sahaj Marg without all the foreign words. It’s the very
basis and basics of our practice, spelled out in Western language. When the
emails and newsletters were released to abhyasis telling us about this, I read
over the new resources in detail. There’s practically no mention of our lineage
or the heart chakra or raja yoga – in fact, I think in all that I read, there
was only a single mention of our method of yogic transmission.(...)
admit that my initial response was one of disappointment. How can you share
Sahaj Marg without sharing Sahaj Marg?!?! And then, with the help of a
fantastic preceptor, it hit me: We’re not sharing Sahaj Marg. Not really. We’re
essentially performing one of Sahaj Marg’s highest values which is to find the
end of religion and thereby experience the beginning of spirituality. (...)
Surely, our entire community will be collectively motivated and encouraged in
this way by recent developments.
The general / main link for the new initiative can be found by clicking here:
Heartfulness. (...) A preceptor nearest to you will reach out to you.”
Heartfulness meditation, le nouveau visage du Sahaj marg
Six mois que Chari est mort, et
le duo Patel/Medium a déjà imprimé une marque indélébile sur la Mission. La
feuille de route de leur projet est largement mise en œuvre :
L’objectif général affiché, pour
faire rêver et emporter l’adhésion, c’est faire basculer le Monde vers la
spiritualité. Sa déclinaison opérationnelle, c’est de développer les effectifs
de la SRCM.
Moyens pratiques : « Soyez contagieux », chaque abhyasi doit
recruter un nouvel adepte par an, pour permettre une croissance exponentielle.
Multiplication des compétences
des précepteurs surtout vis-à-vis des nouveaux arrivants.
Développement de Heartfulness
meditation, un Sahaj marg qui avance caché, sans dire son nom.
Indicateurs de résultat :
On assiste déjà à une
multiplication des effectifs.
Hyderabad et les ashrams sont les
lieux d’un égrégore toujours plus fort.
Les effets d’annonce permettent
de faire fi de la réalité et de s’auto satisfaire.
Mise en application : l’exemple du Séminaire lyonnais (15 au 17
mai) :
Réunir 2 000 abhyasis européens
et ouvrir ce séminaire à tous lors de séances heartfulness.
Cerise sur le gateau : un
égrégore aux effets sensibles signalé par les abhyasis.
« Le nombre de nos abhyasis grandit, un
égrégore très spécial se développe lui aussi de façon spectaculaire ; cela ne
fait que commencer et nous en sommes heureux. » (whisper
second idea Kamlesh bhai developed was the importance of the collective (...) :
without ‘us’ egregore is not possible. And as Babuji puts it, so nicely, ‘I
need help from you all.’ Imagine the great Master asking us for help, and what
sort of help is he asking for? (...) Because with such an attitude, practising,
I am able to create a certain vibratory level, and when so many individuals
come up together like that it creates an egregore. According to him, when a
certain vibratory level will be reached on this planet, when that tipping point
is reached, the mutation will happen automatically.” (15 mai 2015, Heartfulness Seminar,
Lyon, France)
from Lyon have reported that the atmosphere of the entire city seems to have
changed, including the behaviour of people. There was a new warmth and openness
that hadn't been seen before in the city, and that has instilled joy in the
hearts of all." (Bulletin No: 2015.55)
Le programme de HeartFulnessInstitute.org (partie de SMSF)
Heartfulness, pour le chercheur
spirituel, c’est une façon de comprendre le Sahaj marg à son propre rythme. En
mettant l’accent sur l’aspect scientifique de la méditation. Pour les abhyasis,
en pratiquant l’ouverture et l’acceptation. Cela remplace complètement les
portes ouvertes (open house), mais vise aussi tout public : écoles, entreprises,
En clair, attirer le chercheur
par tous les moyens, et ne surtout l’effrayer en aucune façon !
It [Heartfulness] provides a way
to present Sahaj Marg in a universally acceptable manner. (…) Sahaj Marg is the way and Heartfulness is an
(…) [It] is based on the openness in Sahaj Marg that
Kamlesh bhai has been promoting over the past several years. (…) It includes an
additional technique of Relaxation which prepares us to meditate. (…) In fact,
in Heartfulness we are not interested in speaking much, but instead we allow
seekers to experience the practice of meditation and the yogic transmission, even before being introduced to the
practice. (…)
There will be a team of designated preceptor/s and
abhyasis in a center who are responsible for conducting workshops, in
consultation with local functionaries. (…)
[Heartfulness Guided Relaxation] is open to all. Who can do the Heartfulness practice of
meditation? Anyone over the age of 18 can do the meditation. (…)
Can we speak about
Sahaj Marg? All at the right
time, in the right way! You are welcome to say that Heartfulness is based on a
practice called Sahaj Marg. It is not
necessary to explain the details of the practice or philosophy - a simple
statement of fact will suffice.
How do we introduce
the Master through the Heartfulness program? Timing
is everything – wait for the aspirant to ask. (…) It is important that we do not impose our own ideas of devotion or
reverence for the Master upon the new seeker. (…)
(…) everyone may not have the same level of
understanding or information about Sahaj Marg. We need to be courteous and loving, and follow the etiquette our
Masters would be proud of.
How strict do we have
to be about our ‘rules’, e.g. not wearing shoes, men and women sitting
separately? How do we convey necessary rules? New people do not know all the ‘rules’ we have in our
centers, so they will not always know what to do. It is not necessary to guide
or instruct them if they wear shoes or sit on the wrong side, or with their
spouse, during group meditation. Such instruction may embarrass the newcomer
and make them uncomfortable. An
unpleasant encounter may chase them away. They will soon learn by
observation. When we give directions it should always be gentle and
Extraits d’Echoes of Oceania Newsletter
(juillet 2015) :
Later, Elizabeth, who had travelled with
Kamlesh bhai on his recent tours to Europe & the USA, updated us on the
Heartfulness initiative and how this new approach is being used to introduce
Sahaj Marg to the greater public. (…) In Kamelsh bhai’s words, “Let us all feel
the sweetness of transmission. We should not bitter coat a sweet pill!” (…) She
mentioned a lady, ‘Uma’, who had communicated with Kamlesh bhai from the
Brighter World. (…) She was in fact his maternal grandmother. (…) She said that
it was Kamlesh bhai’s mandate to spread the Heartfulness meditation technique
all over the world. “We should make it easy for all to come – but without
diluting the practice in any way for ourselves. That is how the egregor
(collective consciousness) will grow and affect a change – human mutation –
which will raise the spiritual consciousness of the human race to a much higher
level.” (…)
The last speaker (…) also spoke about how
Kamlesh bhai is reaching out to all those who want to discover meditation in a
simpler and more relaxed way through the Heartfulness approach, where they are
introduced ‘step by step’.
We gained understanding about how the Heartfulness
presentations are conducted and how more hearts respond to it, due to its
simplicity and non-invasive approach. (…)
Danielle then showed us the new
‘Heartfulness’ website and explained how new seekers can start alone or through
a local group. She suggested that each of us can be instrumental in proposing
the site and introducing the practice of meditation on the heart. Another kind
of information session, perhaps more on the scientific side, consists of a
presentation on the benefits of meditation, adding arguments to what we
experience individually.
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