Voici trois extraits de courriers de Babuji à Sri N. Kumaraswamy en 1955 où il martèle qu’il a annoncé à l’avance le changement de direction du Gulf stream (diffusés dans les Newsletters de l’IUSCM en 2010). Visiblement, Babuji voulait qu’on lui fasse de la publicité, il tenait à ce que le monde entier découvre sa prophétie.
“(…) For your information, I may point out through human grief that my prediction given at page138 in “Reality at dawn” is coming true. The Gulf Stream is changing its course vide Sunday Pioneer Magazine Section daily of Lucknow dated the March, 1955.” (23-03-1955 - Ref: 2078 / SRCM)
“(…) Therefore, the thing written by me in the last chapter of “Reality at dawn” will follow soon. It is possible that you may hear soon about them. The causes are accumulating. I therefore conceive that the prediction will come to light.(…).” (15-04-1955 - Ref. 2119 / SRCM)
“ (…)“Pioneer” a prominent daily of Lucknow DT. 6-3-1955 says in his magazine section that Gulfstream is changing its course and the scientists are greatly perplexed. I remind you of my prophecy given in “Reality at Dawn” about England. If you attend to send in papers of South India, including “Hindu” of Madras about my foretelling then I will be highly obliged.” (17-10- 1955, Letter No.2073)
Liens :
- Babuji, une Personnalité TRES Spéciale
- My vision, de Babuji